

Yo Ninjas! The first few pages of Party Time are up and ready to be read!

Also started this week to make video logs about creating the manga PARTY TIME, which you can see on my Youtube channel : Ninjakees or over here :

These are the first two videos that i have created of it.  With these videos i try to show you the process of creating the manga series Party Time. The edits might not be that high of quality, it is something like you sitting in the room with me and we have a little chat. What i think is important to show some of the stuff that takes to create a manga like this and in the future able to back track how it happened. Next to that a viewership, eyeballs is important for getting your stuff out there, letting people know what you are doing, building some sort of  an Party with You Ninjas 🙂

NUMBER ONE – The Start & Progress of making The Manga Party Time ft Eelco | PARTY TIME 001

MAKING MANGA – Work in Progress of Party Time ft Fadewatcher | PARTY TIME 002